“and by winning wars it didn’t start”. OK, enough. You “Israelites” fire this bullshit every time Israel, unprovoked, sneak-attacks its neighbors, which it does ALL the time, and we’re tired of it, Gary. Ever heard of Menachim Begin? Here’s what he said about the 1967 War in a speech at the Israeli National Defense College on Aug. 08, 1982 (you can look it up in the Jerusalem Post, Heymish):
“In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him first.”
There ya’ go. Israel STARTED the 1967 War with a cowardly sucker-punch, sneak-attack. Just like it did in Suez, Lebanon (twice) and Gaza — not to mention the chicken-shit attack and murder of 34 American Sailors and the wounding of 174 others aboard the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967.