Concur. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (The CARES Act) ended any semblance of Milton’s FreeMarkets!™ capitalism and replaced it with Krony Kapitalism, best described by the prescient Dr. King’s “Socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor” quote. Of course, the need for the CARES Act, and its “Standing Emergency Fiscal Facility” (SEFF) was actually rolled out SEVEN MONTHS BEFORE the CORONA!, in August 2019, at the KC Federal Reserve Bank’s Annual Economic Policy Symposium at The Lodge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Our rulers’ monetary brain-trust declared FISCAL policy could no longer be left up to … Congresses, because? A “significant inflation miss is expected over the policy horizon”. What-the-fuck did that mean? It meant, like, oil going from $14-per-barrel to MINUS $37-per-barrel, on Apr 20, 2020. The currency flipped, buyers became sellers and vice-versa. WHEEEEEEE!!!!!
So, a FOURTH Branch of Government was bestowed to BlackRock during the convenient CORONA! panic, to save the “economy”. Again. Now, Larry Fink or Philipp Hildebrand or Stanley Fischer can call Jay Powell and order billions of freshly-printed, un-funded (thanks to QE4Ever!) dollars to buy all the toxic bond and equity shitpiles that their pals were stuck with. Even BlackRock’s own, shitty, tanking ETFs!! Mostly in service to the Shale Oil Boom!™ these greedy idiots (mostly the same MBS crooks from 2007) created back when oil was $146/bbl.
There are two women journalists I try to read every day, because? They’re simply the Best. One is Caitlin and the other, who concentrates more on economics, is Ellen Brown. Do yourself a favor and read her excellent article: “Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid”. You’ll be glad you did.
Oh, and it’s still not to late to Big Short that Market!