joe blow
2 min readMay 22, 2018


If you bothered to read my post, Menachem Begin ADMITTED that Egypt was NO threat to Israel at the time and that Israel attacked first:

“In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him first.

But ( talk about ‘selective interpretation of history’ — you hasbaras are champs at that!) these inconvenient FACTS are always ignored when Israel continually violates the sovereignty of its neighbors in order to steal land & water for its EUROPEAN, NON-Semitic, Imperialist colonizers. You know, Dave. You Izzies are always complaining about this-or-that group who “Won’t (clutches pearls; faints) recognize Israel!!” Well answer me this, how-the-hell are we supposed to ‘recognize’ a country that REFUSES TO DEFINE ITS BORDERS? Hmm? And it refuses so that the E. European thieves there, pretending they’re “Israelites”, can continue stealing land & water. Here’s the way I deal with you supposed ‘Americans’ who defend the gangster state (Einstein’s words; NOT mine) of Israel. On June 8, 1967, Israel knowingly & brutally attacked the USS Liberty, in international waters and murdered 34 good American sailors and wounded 174 others. Now, you CONDEMN that attack, right ‘Dave’? The perpetrators (Meir Amit, Ezer Weizman, Udi Erell, Shlomo Erell, Rafi Eitan, Shlomo Gazit, et al) need to be tried in a U.S. military court and punished, right? You support the U.S., its navy & wounded & dead personnel over any devotion you may have to Israel, right ‘Dave’? Yeah. Sure you do, hasbara-boy.



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