joe blow
1 min readSep 29, 2018


Nice try, Joey. First of all, “Israel” and “Jew” are mutually exclusive terms. One is a country, the other a religion. Israel likes to call itself “a shining beacon of Democracy in the Middle East”, but, of course, 2.8-million people are not allowed to vote in Israel, which makes it an apartheid state by definition.

Certainly one of the greatest Americans to ever wear our country’s uniform, Gen. George C. (Marshall Plan) Marshall, in a May 12, 1948 oval office meeting, told Harry Truman, in no uncertain words, that if he sanctioned Israel, he (Marshall) would not vote for him in the next election. Marshall and the Joint Chiefs had prepared a white paper: Force Requirements for Palestine which outlined what an absurd idea this Jewish-only state was, from a defensive point-of-view. Truman at first acquiesced to General Marshall, but later, after the meeting, coward that he was, took the Zionist Organization of America’s $2-million dollar bribe and sanctioned Israel. Marshall resigned his Sec. of State position and it’s been downhill ever since for U.S. foreign policy. Kennedy tried to revive some of Marshall’s wise positions, along with ending the idiotic Vietnam involvement, and was murdered for it

There has been no worse policy decision in the history of this country than the creation of the CIA — even Truman, its creator, said so. John F. Kennedy said he wanted “to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”. He was dead a month later.



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