One way to attack our rulerz’ insidious memes is to ridicule them to the point where our rulerz’ bloviators get angry. One sure-fire way to do this is by always referring to the Iraq War propaganda as ‘weapons-of-mass-baloney’. NEVER say weapons-of-Mass-Destruction, like our rulerz want you to say. Always weapons-of-mass-baloney. Same number of syllables; so it works. When I repeat this over & over at gatherings with a couple of naval ‘intelligence’ professional mutual acquaintances, it REALLY gets under their skin after a while. So much so that they get all like: “You’re denigrating the service of brave men who died protecting you from those WMD!” Then you point out there weren’t ANY weapons-of-mass-BALONEY, and they really get angry and usually leave. That’s why I know it’s effective. Try it; it’s very effective.