This Brazilian fascist changeover began when then-new woman president, Dilma Roussef, announced that Brazil would develop the Tupi Oil Fields itself in July, 2011. Someone, who speculates gigantically in world currencies, and just LUVs him some regime-change (Gee, I wonder who that could possibly be?!?!) soon started shorting the shit outta the Brazilian Real:
So the economy flat-lined & softened unsuspecting Brazilians up for the regime-change campaign that officially began on Dec. 17, 2015:
Dilma Roussef was gone 8-months later and the table was set for Bolsonaro and the Wall St. fascists who will rape & pillage with delight.
I just hope that it doesn’t take Brazilians another 21-years, like it did last time, to throw these fascists out — but it’s gonna take a while, that’s for sure.