Wouldn't it be fun if CNN former AIPAC PR Director Wolf Blitzer invited my favorite guy, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction JOHN SOPKO, onto his Tee-vee show and just let him say this? "We have spent more money on rebuilding Afghanistan than we did with the entire Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe… We can't rebuild it into a little America. I think that was one of the problems. We wanted to turn this into Kansas… We designed and funded a lot of programs that the Afghans didn't even know about it until we turned it over to them… U.S. taxpayers wasting billions building power plants, gas stations and even a hotel that the Afghans have never used and can’t afford to operate on their own… It is one of the most corrupt countries in the world… We probably contributed to it by pouring too much in, too fast with too little oversight. Basically dollar bills were falling from the sky… Nothing that the United States does in Afghanistan will change even a molecule of the insane corruption that riddles the country."